The difference is the amount or concentration of oils used in the fragrance. We carry pure parfum so you can see why our products are popular with our customers.
Eau de Toilette contains up to around 10% aromatic essence (you may want to carry your Eau de Toilette in your bag to top up throughout the day to help keep the scent lasting);
Eau de Parfum’s concentration of oils is over 15%, sometimes reaching as high as 20% (this concentration will have the scent lasting into the evening); and finally
Perfume’s concentration of essences is as much as 40% (this means you’ll need to wear very little to keep the scent lasting all day and night).The difference is simply a matter of the AMOUNT or concentration of oils found in the fragrance. The scents mainly fall into the below categories: Eau de Toilette contains up to around 10% aromatic essence (you may want to carry your Eau de Toilette in your bag to top up throughout the day to help keep the scent lasting); Eau de Parfum’s concentration of oils is over 15%, sometimes reaching as high as 20% (this concentration will have the scent lasting into the evening); and finally Perfume’s concentration of essences is as much as 40% (this means you’ll need to wear very little to keep the scent lasting all day and night).