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Perfumery 101-Mixing Instructions/Safety

Important disclaimer please read:

*It's important when working with any aroma chemicals or substances that you practice proper safety precautions prior to working with them. Even essential oils can cause harm if handled improperly, so it's imperative that you read through this, do research on how to ensure safety when mixing, as well as ALWAYS following the manufacturers guidelines.

*Ensuring you own proper personal protective equipment and are aware of how to handle these chemicals must come first. It's important that each time you work with any of these substances that you properly adorn all personal protective equipment including goggles, gloves, masks, possibly gas mask depending on what you're working with.

*Read the manufacturer’s directions and you will know what you need. We do not condone making your own fragrance without knowing how to safely work with these chemicals, as well as what to do in case of emergency. The information we provide is for entertainment purposes only. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us at any time, also you can look at the FAQ section to learn a little bit more about this subject.

1) Line up the materials you are going to use from left to right - to the right side of the mixing pot. (or vice versa if you are left handed).

2) Keep the materials you are not using immediately, well away from the mixing area so that no cross contamination is likely to be caused.

3) Keep the formula so that you can read it clearly and have a pencil handy to make notes.

4) Select the first material and move it closer to the mixing pot.

5) Verify the name, unscrew the cap and smell the contents. Are they correct?

6) Lift the tube clear of the liquid, squeeze the rubber bulb to eject air from the tube. Dip the tube back into the liquid and release the bulb gently allowing the material to be sucked up.

7) Holding the cap and rubber bulb move the end of the tube over the mixing pot. Keep the tube upright as the drop sizes will be smaller and more consistent in size. Try not to drop the material in the center of the mixing pot to reduce splashing. Allowing the drop to run onto a cocktail stick and drop of the end will give smaller drops.


9) Gently squeezing the rubber bulb allow the first drop to form and wait for it to fall into the pot - first drop. Maintaining gentle pressure on the bulb allow the second , third drops, etc. to fall until the required number have been added. To add very small proportions you can upscale ie. making 1000 drops instead of 100. Alternatively use solutions by mixing 1 drop + 9 or even 99 of Solvent before using).

10) Maintaining or slightly releasing pressure without allowing more drops to fall move the tube back to the bottle. Smell the bottle again and verify the name to make sure you have the right bottle.

11) If the bottle neck or cap thread is wet, wipe it clean with a new piece of tissue paper.


12) Screw the cap back in place so that it is airtight without overtightening.

13) Move the used bottle away from the mixing area to the back of the materials not yet used.

14) Place a tick against the quantity you have added - If you have added too much or adjusted the amount - write it NOW on the formula - so you can reproduce the same smell later.

15) Try to place the used bottles in order of use so that if you ever forget where you have got to then you can retrace your steps easily.

16) When all the materials have been added then then using a toothpick stir them until your are sure they are thoroughly mixed. Then stir for another 30 seconds to be sure for safety.

17) Ideally a sample you have made should be kept overnight before smelling. (I bet you don't though!) If you decide to keep this sample pour into a bottle and screw the lid on airtight and write a label.

18) On the label include: Name of the perfume/base. Code Number you have given it. (when you have made 100's how are you going to find just one sample named "Rose"?).

Who made it or batch/sample number if you really want to be professional Quantity made. The date.

Like so:

Safety Guidelines Safety notes on using aroma materials

Safety First:

Study safety data thoroughly so you know it before an accident occurs

Keep materials MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) close at hand

Keep all materials out of the reach of children

Do not eat or drink any material or use in foods or use while eating

If you get a material on your skin or eyes, wash off immediately

Prompt action will help prevent adverse reactions later

Keep fire fighting equipment suitable for oil fires in reach of work area

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE TO WASH OFF SKIN: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WIPE OFF EXCESS AND USE UNDILUTED HAND DISHWASHING LIQUID (Amway L.O.C. is recommended) Rub the dishwashing liquid into the affected area of skin for a few seconds until thoughly mixed with the oil. Wash off with copious amounts of water. Alcohol will assist to remove materials from the skin but will irritate eyes or sensitive areas and is flammable.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE TO WASH OUT OF EYES: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Most perfume companies recommend copious flushing with plain water, however perfumery materials are oily and resist being washed out. We recommend room temperature plain pasteurized or UHT milk (NOT sweetened or flavored

). Milk is an emulsion with a fat content that helps to dissolve oils. Keep a small carton of plain UHT milk and an eyeglass near your mixing area. Use the milk as many times as necessary to flush the material out without making the eye sore. Follow this with plain, clean water 3-4 times to wash the milk out.


---------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE IN THE EVENT OF INGESTION: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Wash out excess from the mouth and throat by spitting out and gargling with milk or water — always spitting out. Lukewarm water is better than cold. General medical advice now is NOT to induce vomiting. Contact a hospital immediately, seeking advice on the telephone before leaving if this is practical. Go to the 24hr Casualty or Poisons section taking the empty bottle with you for material identification.


1 Comment

Denise Brooks
Denise Brooks
May 31, 2021

Thank you for sharing this! Your blog is so helpful for anybody looking to get into perfume making!

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